The Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ

That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death. Philippians 3:10

By Apostle Felix

Knowing Christ is the essence of Christianity. Apostle Paul’s desire was to know Christ and the power of His resurrection. The knowledge of Christ was at the core of Paul’s ministry. This former Pharisee became such a revolutionary teacher of grace, so much that even Apostle Peter recognized Paul’s teachings as revolutionary and unconventional.

And keep in mind that our Lord’s extraordinary patience simply means more opportunity for salvation, just as our dear brother Paul wrote to you with the wisdom that God gave him. He consistently speaks of these things in all of his letters, even though he writes some concepts that are overwhelming to our understanding, which the unlearned and unstable love to twist to their spiritual ruin, as they do to other Scriptures. 2 Peter 3: 15, 16

The knowledge of Christ should be every believer’s desire. Christ is the separator. Miracles are not a monopoly or exclusive to the church. It is the knowledge of Christ that is the monopoly of the church. Miracles are supernatural manifestations, and any supernatural entity can cause a miracle. Supernatural is not a holy word for God.

A supernatural act is an act beyond scientific explanation. Witches do perform such feats, which are beyond scientific explanation. Only Christ distinguishes us from the rest, not miracles and any other feat. It’s not good preaching, good singing, dedication to serving in a local church, but the knowledge of Christ in one’s life.

For God, who said, “Let brilliant light shine out of darkness,” is the one who has cascaded his light into us—the brilliant dawning light of the glorious knowledge of God as we gaze into the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4: 6

The desire for knowledge of Christ should be stronger than the desire to be used of God. It’s the imbalance between the two desires that has brought so much deception in the church. The moment the desire to be used of God is greater than the desire for the knowledge of Christ, then one has pledged to be a victim of deception. It’s the knowledge of Christ that makes us to discern between the godly and the ungodly.

If a believer is not aware of who he/she is in Christ, then every chancer will take a chance. The individual will be convinced to purchase spiritual items for spiritual breakthroughs. This level of stupidity is due to chronic ignorance of who and what Christ has done for us.

“In the past God tolerated our ignorance of these things, but now the time of deception has passed away. He commands us all to repent and turn to God. Acts 17: 30

Ignorance is not anymore, an excuse. Christ is the revelation of God. All we need to do is to change our thinking (repentance) and accept what the Lord has done for us in Christ.


2 Corinthians 2: 14

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