The ROYAL COMPLEX comprising the following:


  1. Auditorium: Seating Capacity of 1200.
  2. Book shop
  3. Overflow Lobby
  • Outdoor Relaxation 1 & 2
  • Executive Outdoor deck
  • Outdoor Gaming
  1. Restaurant: Seating Capacity of 128 diners
  2. Multi – purpose Hall/ Youth Centre: Seating Capacity of 250
  3. Recording Studio
  4. Administration Wing
  5. Children`s Church/ Day Care
  6. Care – taker`s house
  • Ablutions 1 & 2

The Overall built up area: 3994.0 metre squared.

The minimum Site Area required: 18, 258.4 metre squared

Parking Area provided: 280 bays

The dream has been inspired by the VISION pastor Felix received from the Lord to build a complex in Namibia that shall be a WOW factor to the GLORY of HIS NAME!

This dream did not come as a result of just being ambitious or rather wanting to do something out of personal gratification or recognition. But it came at a time when pastor Felix was actually thinking of designing a church auditorium that may probably accommodate about 200 people. The Lord impressed upon him to increase the seating capacity and include other amenities to the building. This idea from the Lord wasn’t welcomed at first because there were few challenges to consider, such as the number of the people in church.

However, when pastor was attending a conference in Johannesburg, South Africa, he received a word from someone who did not know about what God had spoken to him. The man described the building the way God had described it to him. That was the turning around in accepting the ROYAL COMPLEX idea.



The concept of the design has been inspired by the VISION of the church. Our theme is ROYALTY, raising CHAMPIONS. Lucky Maphosa and a team of architects, who are members of the church volunteered to design the ROYAL Complex. They borrowed the design of a diamond and finally came up with our present model.

The design is aimed at giving everyone a ROYAL EXPERIENCE, because as a child of God, we BELONG to a ROYAL FAMILY – THE KINGDOM OF God. Our God, the KING over all kings, is particular to details and that we see in the instructions He gave to Moses in the construction of the tabernacle. He was deliberately particular with all the details of the tabernacle. He chose even the constructors. But yet He allowed the COMMUNITY of the Israelite to CONTRIBUTE towards the construction.



We are first and foremost, looking for 18, 258.4 metre squared of LAND. We will need a huge mass of land to accommodate all we need to BUILD for our GOD. The entire may cost over N$70,000,000.00 and we TRUST your PARTNERSHIP with US to ACCOMPLISH this FEAT will result in accomplishing GREAT PROJECTS in your own PERSONAL LIFE.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support of ROYAL BUILDING PROJECT.

You are personally invited today to become a partner of the ROYAL BUILDING PROJECT.

If you have any contributions you would like to make in kind please get in touch with us using the following contact details.

Call +264 81235 9245
Email Us:

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