Sons of God Part 5

Rom 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Romans 8: 14

By Apostle Felix

The son said, ‘Father, listen! How many years have I been working like a slave for you, performing every duty you’ve asked as a faithful son? And I’ve never once disobeyed you. But you’ve never thrown a party for me because of my faithfulness. Never once have you even given me a goat that I could feast on and celebrate with my friends like he’s doing now.
Luke 15: 29

The elder brother was addicted to approval. He wanted to be accepted and loved by his father by what he did for the father. His relationship with the father was work based. This is not to rule out the idea of work. Work is God’s idea but not a means to win God’s approval. Work is more productive and appreciated out of our relationship with God. I serve in church because I am a son. I do not serve so I can become a good son. That tendency leads to producing servants as opposed to sons.

The prodigal son was trapped into a web of condemnation because of what he had done. He had squandered his inheritance and lived like a slave in a foreign land. Returning to his father’s house was a game changer. If the father had received him and accepted the son’s proposal to be made as one of the servants. His location would have changed, but his title as a servant would have denied him of the privileges of sonship.

The father’s love and acceptance broke the condemnation and rejection the son was struggling with. He reached out to the son and received him. You have been received by God, your Father and that broke the backbone of rejection, condemnation and all manner of curses.

So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One.
Romans 8: 1

The power lies in being made as sons of God. I pray that you catch this one. You have been made a son, and that alone has liberated you eternally.

But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise.
Galatians 4: 23

Abraham had two sons, Isaac and Ishmael. Their mothers were Sara and Hagar, respectively. These two symbolized two covenants, Hagar, which is Sinai that leads to bondage, and Sara, which is Jerusalem that leads to freedom. Our sonship is not traced to Hagar, which is Sinai, but is traced to Sara, which is Jerusalem. Sinai brought bondage, while Jerusalem brought freedom. You are born of the Spirit that leads to freedom. This is the power God has given to us, to become sons of God. Therefore, expel any suggestion of slavery.

And what does the Scripture tell us to do? “Expel the slave mother with her son! The son of the slave woman will not be a true heir—for the true heir of the promises is the son of the free woman.”
Galatians 4: 30


2 Corinthians 2: 14

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