Get to know about Royal Family Christian Centre
Royal Family is a church that is Jesus loving, people loving and Bible-believing. Our heartbeat is the same as God`s heartbeat, which says, `For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life,` John 3: 16.
You are welcome to join this loving family and worship with us. Your coming to worship with us will not be regretted at all but shall definitely leave a mark of blessing on your life. All people of all races, tribes, and tongues are welcome. You are truly a champion! God bless you.
Church Services
Morning Service: 08h30
Wednesday Midweek: 18h00
Saturday: Morning Glory: 07h00 | Evangelism: 10h00
Common Questions
What does it mean to be born again?
Born again is an experience of an individual accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of one`s life. Jesus said to Nicodemus in John 3: 3, `You must be born again….` It is an emphatic command from the mouth of Jesus. Born again is an idea of being born into the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ.
Paul explicitly explained what being born again is and how one can be born again. According to Paul, born again is a sinner justified by the blood of Jesus, Romans 3: 24; 5: 9.
Paul also talked about how one can be born again. If one wants to be born again, one should believe in the heart that Jesus died and rose again from the dead; and confess with the mouth that Jesus is Lord, Romans 10: 9, 10.
Just pray this prayer:
Lord Jesus, I believe with my heart that You died and rose again for the sake of saving my life. I confess with my mouth that You are Lord. Come now, and be the Lord and Saviour of my life. Thank you, Lord, for saving me now. I am now born again.
How to receive the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is received by faith. Asking in faith is the key to receiving the Holy Spirit. Jesus said ask and it shall be given, in Luke 11: 9 – 13.
Pray this prayer:
I ask for the holy Spirit in the name of Jesus. Jesus, You are the giver of the Holy Spirit. It is my desire to be filled with your Holy Spirit. I received the Spirit now, Amen.
How to join the church
The only way to join the church of Jesus Christ is to be born again. You are not limited in any way to joining Royal Family Christian Centre. You are welcome to join and participate in serving the Lord.
What to Expect
At Royal Family, expect to encounter Jesus, through the person of the Holy Spirit. We are a Bible-based church, so expect to be taught the Word of God in a revelatory manner.
Our services are spirit-led, spirit-filled and spirit empowered. Our worship is spontaneous and modern. You will be blessed by the worship, the word and the fellowship.